Package-level declarations


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data class Application(val identifier: String = "", val name: String = "", val parameters: Parameters = Parameters(), val pid: Int = 0)

This data class represents the application.

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data class ApplicationsResponse(val applications: List<Application>)

This data class represents the applications response.

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data class Device(val deviceDetails: DeviceDetails = DeviceDetails())
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data class DeviceDetails(val icon: Icon? = null, val id: String = "", val isLost: Boolean? = null, val name: String = "", val type: String = "")
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data class DevicesResponse(val devices: List<Device>)

This data class represents the devices response.

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data class Icon(val format: String, val height: Int, val image: List<Int>, val width: Int)
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data class Parameters(val build: String = "", val dataDir: String = "", val debuggable: Boolean? = false, val ppid: Int? = 0, val sources: List<String> = listOf(), val started: String? = "", val targetSdk: Int = 0, val user: String? = "", val version: String = "")

This data class represents the parameters of the application.